ebook di Fulvio Romano

sabato 16 febbraio 2013

Una bella cometa illumina il cielo australe...

È la cometa Lemmon, che qui brilla accanto alla Piccola Nube di Magellano e all' ammasso globulare 47 del Tucano... Nei prossimi mesi l'astro si sposterà verso i nostri cieli boreali...

Sweeping Through Southern Skies

Image/Video Credit & Copyright: Alex Cherney (Terrastro, TWAN)

Explanation: For now, Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6a), and Comet PanSTARRS (C/2011 L4) are sweeping through southern skies. Lemmon's lime green coma and thin tail are near the left edge of this telephoto scene, a single frame from a timelapse video (vimeo here) recorded on February 12, tracking its motion against the background stars. Comet Lemmon's path brought it close to the line-of-sight to prominent southern sky treasures the Small Magellanic Cloud and globular cluster 47 Tucanae (right).