ebook di Fulvio Romano

giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Start the European campaign of Hannibal. Will hit the North WestItalian.

What now seems an African occupation of Western Europe is about to begin. The novelty compared to other raids Saharian-Moroccan is the location which Hannibal (call it our warm "visitor") will take on the chessboard of the Italian and European. Will no longer be faced with the South African elephants, but they invade Spain and France (focusing on the first and roasting up to 40 degrees a second) until you get where? But to us, God forbid ... Is that for Hannibal "hic sunt leones". The lions are here. And then once in a while will be the North West to dictate not only the agenda of the bulletins winter frost, but also those of beastly hot. It announces seven or eight days of hot eccezionalissimo not (at least by us) but high, continuous and insistent. Until when? Up to 25, at least. When the arrival of Atlantic air throw out African elephants. All right, that was not in the middle of 'I'm uproar there will be us ...